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发表于 2004-1-5 15:59:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
『カードキャプターさくら』 オープニング?テーマ 2
Card Captor Sakura Opening Theme 2

扉をあけて (Tobira wo akete / Opening the Door)
Sung by: ANZA

(Sorry for the bad translation...)

It's all right 大丈夫 ダイジョウブ だいじょうぶ 奇跡だって起こせる
/ It's all right daijoubu daijoubu daijoubu kiseki datte okoseru/
/ It's all right.  It's all right.  It's all right.  It's all right. We'll bring about miracles/

Here we go 行こうよ 行こうよ 行こうよ 翼拡げ

/ Here we go ikou yo ikou yo ikou yo tsubasa hiroge /
/ Here we go.  Here we go.  Here we go.  Here we go.  And spread our wings. /

きっと 何かが 何かが どこかで 出会える日を待ってる

/ Kitto nanika ga nanika ga nanika ga deaeru hi wo matteru /
/ I'm sure something, somewhere, I'll be waiting for the day for us to meet. /

Do! Do! Do! DREAMING! DREAMING! そして扉がひらくよ

/ Do! Do! Do! DREAMING! DREAMING! Soshite tobira ga hiraku yo /
/ Do! Do! Do! DREAMING! DREAMING! And then I pull open the door. /

イザとなると 何も言えない

/ Iza to naru to nanimo ienai /
/ The time has come and I can't even say anything. /

しゃべりたいのに 声も聴きたくて

/ Shaberitai no ni koe mo kikitakute /
/ I want to say something and I even want to hear your voice. /

こころがね あわててる

/ Kokoro ga ne awateteru /
/ My heart is panicking, you know. /

青い空に飛行機雲 繋いだ手に沸いてくる POWER

/ Aoi sora ni hikouki kumo tsuanida te ni waitekuru POWER /
/ The airplane-shaped clouds in the blue sky, the power about to bubble from my hands. /

どこだってゆけそうだよ 風に乗って

/ Doko datte yukesou da yo kaze ni notte /
/ They look like they are going somewhere, riding the wind. /

It's all right 大丈夫 ダイジョウブ だいじょうぶ 奇跡だって起こせる

/ It's all right daijoubu daijoubu daijoubu kiseki datte okoseru /
/ It's all right.  It's all right.  It's all right.  It's all right. We'll bring about miracles. /

Here we go 行こうよ 行こうよ 行こうよ 翼拡げ

/ Here we go ikou yo ikou yo ikou yo tsubasa hiroge /
/ Here we go.  Here we go.  Here we go.  Here we go.  And spread our wings. /

きっと 何かが 何かが どこかで 出会える日を待ってる

/ Kitto nanika ga nanika ga nanika ga deaeru hi wo matteru /
/ I'm sure something, somewhere, I'll be waiting for the day for us to meet. /

Do! Do! Do! DREAMING! DREAMING! そして扉がひらくよ

/ Do! Do! Do! DREAMING! DREAMING! Soshite tobira ga hiraku yo /
/ Do! Do! Do! DREAMING! DREAMING! And then I pull open the door. /

なんでもない 小石でさえ 不思議だよね 宝石に変わる

/ Nande mo nai koishi de sae fushigi da yo ne houseki ni kawaru /
/ Even the smallest stones with nothing special, strangely enough, they turn into jewels. /

一緒にね 見てるだけで... みんな光る

/ Issho ni ne miteru dake de... Minna hikaru /
/ We have only to see it together... They're all sparkling. /

Top secret 大好きな ダイスキな だいすきな 瞬間が増えてゆく

/ Top secret daisuki na daisuki na daisuki na shunkan ga fueteyuku /
/ Top secret  My favorite, my favorite, my favorite moment is going to multiply. /

とっても小さな チイサナ ちいさな種になって

/ Tottemo chiisana chiisana chiisana tane ni natte /
/ I've become a really small, small, small seed. /

きっと こころのどこかで大きな花が咲き始めてる

/ Kitto kokoro no dokoka de okki na hana ga saki hajimeteru /
/ I'm sure somewhere in my heart, a flower is beginning to bloom. /

Do! Do! Do! DREAMING! DREAMING! そして世界はひらく

/ Do! Do! Do! DREAMING! DREAMING! Soshite sekai wa hiraku /
/ Do! Do! Do! DREAMING! DREAMING! And then the world opens up. /

大丈夫 ダイジョウブ だいじょうぶ 奇跡だって起こせる

/ Daijoubu daijoubu daijoubu kiseki datte okoseru /
/ It's all right.  It's all right.  It's all right.  We'll bring about miracles./

Here we go 行こうよ 行こうよ 行こうよ 翼拡げ

/ Here we go ikou yo ikou yo ikou yo tsubasa hiroge /
/ Here we go.  Here we go.  Here we go.  Here we go.  Spreading our wings. /

きっと 何かが 何かが どこかで 出会える日を待ってる

/ Kitto nanika ga nanika ga nanika ga deaeru hi wo matteru /
/ I'm sure something, somewhere, I'll be waiting for the day for us to meet. /

Do! Do! Do! DREAMING! DREAMING! そして扉がひらくよ

/ Do! Do! Do! DREAMING! DREAMING! Soshite tobira ga hiraku yo /
/ Do! Do! Do! DREAMING! DREAMING! And then I pull open the door. /
 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-5 16:01:23 | 显示全部楼层
『カードキャプターさくら』 エンディング?テーマ
Card Captor Sakura Ending Theme

Groovy! (TV version)
Sung by: 広瀬香美 / Kohmi Hirose *NEW*

街に出かけよ 一人でいたって 暗いだけでしょ
/ Machi ni dekake you hitori de itatte kurai dake desho /
/ Let's go out into the town. It's only gloomy if I went by myself. /

ループして落ち込んで なおさら Ah 悩んじゃって

/ Ruupushite ochikonde naosara ah nayanjatte /
/ Going around in circles, getting all depressed. Ah, I got so worried. /

外に飛び出そう 心配イラナイ 大昔から

/ Soto ni tobidasou shinpai iranai oomukashi kara /
/ Let's fly outside, there's no need to worry. Since ancient times, /

地球だってまわってる きっと ツキだってまわるよ

/ Chikyuu datte mawatteru kitto tsuki datte mawaru yo /
/ the Earth's been rotating. I bet the moon rotates too! /

Brand-new love song ハレハレルヤ!

/ Brand-new love song harehareruya! /
/ Brand-new love song, halle-hallelujah! /


/ Minna hajikete aishiaou /
/ Everyone, go for it and just fall in love! /

単調な日常 通常な感情

/ Tanchou na nichijou tsuujou na kanjou /
/ The monotonous daily life, the usual emotions, /

守らなくちゃダメなこと いつもある

/ Mamoranakuchya dame na koto itsumo aru /
/ and the things I must protect are always here. /
 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-5 16:06:17 | 显示全部楼层
Card Captor Sakura Character Single TOUYA

君がいた景色(シーン) / Kimi ga ita shiin / The Scene With You In It
Sung by: 木之本桃矢 (関 智一) / Touya Kinomoto (Tomokazu Seki)

『永遠』の真実(いみ)は まだわからないけど
/ Eien no imi wa mada wakaranai kedo /
/ Even though I still don't understand the meaning of "eternity," /

思い出にかわる瞬間(とき) 何かが始まるよ

/ Omoide ni kawaru toki nani ka ga hajimaru yo /
/ something starts anew when it becomes memories. /

今でも時々 君の夢をみる

/ Ima demo tokidoki kimi no yume wo miru /
/ Even now, I dream about you at times, /


/ Odayaka na hoshi no furu yoru ni /
/ in the nights full of peaceful stars. /

振り向いた君は 何か言いかけて

/ Furimuita kimi wa nani ka iikakete /
/ You turned towards me and were about to say something, /


/ Sono kage wo asa no hikari keshiteiku /
/ and that shadow is going to disappear in the morning light. /


/ Zutto issho ni itai yo to iemosezu /
/ I couldn't even say, "I want to stay with you forever," /

だまって手を振るしかできなかった あのころ…

/ Damatte te wo furu shika dekinakatta anokoro /
/ but to only wave in silence, at that time... /

『さよなら』の傷に 胸はいたむけど

/ Sayonara no kizu ni mune wa itamu kedo /
/ Even though my heart hurts from the wound of farewell, /

新しい出逢いを 今は信じていたい

/ Atarashii deai wo ima wa shinjiteitai /
/ I now want to believe in a new encounter. /

季節はめぐって 目に映る空は

/ Kisetsu wa megutte me ni utsuru sora wa /
/ Seasons come and go, and the sky that reflects in my eyes.../


/ Kinou yori mabushii mieta yo /
/ ...could be seen brighter than yesterday. /

君がいた景色(シーン) 一歩踏み出して

/ Kimi ga ita shiin ippo fumidashite /
/ From the scene with you in it, taking a step forward, /

歩き出す もう振り返りはしない

/ Arukidasu mou furikaeri wa shinai /
/ I start to walk, without looking back anymore. /


/ Senaka wo mukete sono ato no tameiki mo /
/ The sigh after you turned your back on me, /

君と過ごしたことの記念になれば いいね?

/ Kimi to sugoshita koto no kinen ni nareba ii ne? /
/ is it all right to make that a memory of our time spent together as well? /

明日へと続く 道は遠くても

/ Ashita e to tsuzuku michi wa tooku temo /
/ Roads lead into the future, however far, /

あたたかい風が そこには吹いている

/ Atatakai kaze ga soko ni wa fuiteiru /
/ the warm winds will be blowing in there. /

『永遠』の真実(いみ)は まだわからないけど

/ Eien no imi wa mada wakaranai kedo /
/ Even though I still don't understand the meaning of "eternity," /

思い出にかわる瞬間(とき) 何かが始まるよ

/ Omoide ni kawaru toki nani ka ga hajimaru yo /
/ something starts anew when it becomes memories. /

『さよなら』の傷に 胸はいたむけど

/ Sayonara no kizu ni mune wa itamu kedo /
/ Even though my heart hurts from the wound of farewell, /

新しい出逢いを 今は信じていたい

/ Atarashii deai wo ima wa shinjiteitai /
/ I now want to believe in a new encounter. /
 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-5 16:06:58 | 显示全部楼层
Card Captor Sakura Character Single YUKITO
Card Captor Sakura Character Songbook (Track 3)

自転車に乗って/ Jitensha ni notte / Riding My Bike
Sung by: 月城雪兎 (緒方恵美) / Yukito Tsukishiro (Megumi Ogata)

春がやって来た 今日はいい天気
/ Haru ga yatte kita kyou wa ii tenki /
/ Spring has come, and the weather is nice today. /

猫も屋根の上 あくびしているよ

/ Neko mo yane no ue akubishiteiru yo /
/ Even the cat is yawning on top of the roof. /

どこかに行きたいな こんな時は

/ Doko ka ni ikitai na konna toki wa /
/ I want to go somewhere on such a day, /

大きなおむすびを お弁当箱に

/ Ookina omusubi wo obentoubako ni /
/ put some big rice balls into the lunchbox, /


/ Tsumekondara /
/ and stuff it up. /

新しく買った 自転車に乗って

/ Atarashiku katta jitensha ni notte /
/ Riding the bike I newly bought, /

君と川沿いを ランランラ 走ってく

/ Kimi to kawazoi wo ranranra hashitteku /
/ I go running along the river with you, tra-la-la. /

緑の公園に 着いたらすぐ

/ Midori no kouen ni tsuitara sugu /
/ Once we get to the green park, /

カメラを取り出して 並んで仲良く

/ Kamera wo toridashite narande nakayoku /
/ we take out the camera, stand happily together, /


/ Kinen shashin /
/ and take a souvenir photo. /

おなかが空いてきたよ お弁当を食べよう

/ Onaka ga suitekita yo obentou wo tabeyou /
/ I'm hungry. Let's eat lunch! /


/ Kokage ni natta shibafu ni /
/ On the grass where the trees shadow, /

2人座って 少しひと休み

/ Futari suwatte sukoshi hitoyasumi /
/ let's sit and rest for a bit. /

おいしい空気とゆで卵 ほおばれば

/ Oishii kuuki to yudetamago hoobareba /
/ When I fill my mouth with tasty air and boiled eggs, /

何だか幸せ 春風に誘われて

/ Nandaka shiawase harukaze ni sasowarete /
/ somehow I feel so fortunate. The spring wind makes... /


/ Danpopo ga fuwari to tonda /
/ ...the dandelions fly gently. /

青空に浮かぶ 雲の飛行船

/ Aozora ni ukabu kumo no hikousen /
/ A flying ship of clouds that floats in the blue sky, /

南の島へと ランランラ ひとっ飛び

/ Minami no shima e to ranranra hitottobi /
/ takes a flight to the south island, tra-la-la. /

イルカがジャンプして 遊んでるよ

/ Iruka ga janpu shite asonderu yo /
/ Let's enjoy like the dolphins jumping. /

弾ける波しぶき 宝石のように

/ Hajikeru namishibuki houseki no you ni /
/ The splashing sprays, like jewels, /


/ Kirameiteru /
/ are sparkling. /

君が僕を呼ぶ声 だんだん大きくなる

/ Kimi ga boku wo yobu koe dandan ookiku naru /
/ The voice of you calling me becomes louder bit by bit. /


/ Youyaku me ga sametanda /
/ At last, I wake up. /

夢を見てたよ 気持ち良かったよ

/ Yume wo miteta yo kimochi yokatta yo /
/ Oh, I dreamed. It felt good! /

寝ぼけた笑顔が 夕焼けに赤くなる

/ Neboketa egao ga yuuyake ni akaku naru /
/ My half-asleep smiling face turns red in the sunset. /

そろそろ帰ろう 温かな日だまりが

/ Sorosoro kaerou atatakana hidamari ga /
/ It's about time to go. The warm sun... /

胸の中 消えないうちに

/ Mune no naka kienai uchi ni /
/ ...doesn't vanish inside my heart. /
 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-5 16:07:26 | 显示全部楼层
Card Captor Sakura Original Soundtrack (Track 20)

夜の歌 / Yoru no uta / Nocturne
Sung by: 大道寺知世 (岩男潤子) / Tomoyo Daidouji (Junko Iwao)

夜の空に瞬く 遠い金の星
/ Yoru no sora ni matataku tooi kin no hoshi /
/ A distant golden star twinkles in the night sky, /

ゆうべ夢で見上げた 小鳥と同じ色

/ Yuube yume de miageta kotori to onaji iro /
/ with the same color as the little bird that looked up in my dream last night. /

眠れぬ夜に ひとりうたう歌

/ Nemurenu yoru ni hitori utau uta /
/ In this sleepless night, I sing a song alone. /


/ Wataru kaze to issho ni /
/ Together with the blowing wind, /


/ Omoi wo nosete tobu yo /
/ I fly riding on my memories. /

夜の空に輝く 遠い銀の月

/ Yoru no sora ni kagayaku tooi gin no tsuki /
/ A distant silver moon sparkles in the night sky, /

ゆうべ夢で咲いてた 野ばらと同じ色

/ Yuube yume de saiteta nobara to onaji iro /
/ with the same color as the blossoming wild rose in my dream last night. /

優しい夜に ひとりうたう歌

/ Yasashii yoru ni hitori utau uta /
/ In this tender night, I sing a song alone. /


/ Asu wa kimi to utaou /
/ Let me sing with you tomorrow... /


/ Yume no tsubasa ni notte /
/ ...as we ride on the wings of dreams. /

優しい夜に ひとりうたう歌

/ Yasashii yoru ni hitori utau uta /
/ In this tender night, I sing a song alone. /


/ Asu wa kimi to utaou /
/ Let me sing with you tomorrow... /


/ Yume no tsubasa ni notte /
/ ...as we ride on the wings of dreams. /
 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-5 16:08:39 | 显示全部楼层
Card Captor Sakura Character Single TOMOYO
Card Captor Sakura Character Songbook (Track 10)

やさしさの種子/ Yasashisa no tane / Seed of Kindness
Sung by: 大道寺知世 (岩男潤子) / Tomoyo Daidouji (Junko Iwao)

淋しいときには めくもりを探し
/ Sabishii toki ni wa nukumori o sagashi/
/ When I am lonely, I seek for warmth, /

遥かにたどるよ 懐かしい記憶を

/ Haruka ni tadoru yo natsukashii kioku o /
/ the dear memories that trace far into the distance. /


/ Haha ga itoshigo o kaina ni idai te /
/ A mother, holding her beloved dear child in her arms, /


/ Hidamari no naka de komoriuta o utau/
/ sings a lullaby under the sun. /


/ Yumeji ni asobu osanago no hoo ni /
/ On the cheek of the infant playing in the dreamland, /


/ Yosei ga tsukuru shiawase no ekubo /
/ a fairy creates the dimples of happiness. /


/ Yume kara sametemo emi o nokoshiteku /
/ Even when I wake up from my dream, the smile is left in me, /


/ Sonna yasashisa no tane ga kokoro ni aru /
/ and such a seed of kindness stays in my heart. /

張りつめた心 ほどいてあげたら

/ Haritsumeta kokoro hodoite agetara /
/ When a nervous heart is relieved, /


/ Yasashisa no tane o hitotsu maite okou /
/ let us sow a seed of kindness. /

やがて芽を出し 蕾はほころぶ

/ Yagate me o dashi tsubomi wa hokorobu /
/ Soon the seeds will sprout and the buds will bloom, /


/ Utsukushii basho o kokoro ni motsunara /
/ if there is a beautiful place in the heart. /


/ Itsuka wa daremo ga sunda aozora o /
/ Someday, someone, into the clear blue sky, /


/ Omoikiri takaku jiyuu ni habatakeru /
/ will flutter in freedom as high as possible. /

自由に羽ばたける その胸に花を咲かせて…

/ Jiyuu ni habatakeru sono mune ni hana o sakasete... /
/ Flutter in freedom, and flowers blossoming in that heart... /
 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-5 16:09:04 | 显示全部楼层
Card Captor Sakura Character Songbook (Track 5)

私だけのムービー☆スター/ Watashi dake no muubiisutaa / My Only Movie Star
Sung by: 大道寺知世 (岩男潤子) / Tomoyo Daidouji (Junko Iwao)

ひだまりみたいな あなたのやさしい笑顔
/ Hidamari mitai na anata no yasashii egao /
/ Your smiling face is like the sun. /


/ Hitotsu nokorazu kamera ni toraetai /
/ I want to capture them on camera to the last one. /

苦しい時にも 負けないりりしい姿

/ Kurushii toki ni mo makenai ririshii sugata /
/ Even at times of frustration, your must-win, gallant appearance... /


/ Amasu koto naku teepu ni osametai /
/ I want to keep them with all my tapes. /


/ Sekai no hate made mo tsuiteikimasu /
/ I will follow you even till the end of the world. /

衣装はまかせてね あなたがヒロイン

/ Ishou wa makasete ne anata ga hiroin /
/ Leave your costumes to me! You are a heroin. /

空を駆ける翼 フォーカス

/ Sora wo kakeru tsubasa fookasu /
/ The wings which soar across the sky -- Focus! /

虹を映す瞳 ズームイン

/ Niji wo utsusu hitomi zuumu in /
/ The eyes which reflect the rainbow -- Zoom in! /


/ Kirameku hoshi yori mabushii anata No.1 /
/ More than the glittering stars, the dazzling you are No.1. /

ワクワクさせてね 私だけのムービースター

/ Wakuwaku sasete ne watashi dake no muubiisutaa /
/ I am so excited. My only movie star. /

ピンチを切り抜け 最後に魅せてくれる

/ Pinchi wo kirinuke saigo ni misete kureru /
/ Getting out of a pinch, you show me at the end. /


/ Ichibyou tari to mo me ga hanasenai /
/ I won't set my eyes off you for even one second. /


/ Eien ni anata dake oikakemasu /
/ I will chase after you forever. /

アングルまかせてね 素敵なヒロイン

/ Anguru makasete ne suteki na hiroin /
/ Leave the angle to me ! Lovely heroin. /

風をおこす魔法 フォーカス

/ Kaze wo okosu mahou fookasu /
/ Magic that awakens the wind -- Focus! /

派手なポーズ決めて ズームイン

/ Hade na poozu kimete zuumu in /
/ A flashy pose is set -- Zoom in! /


/ Yurameku hana yori kawaii anata No.1 /
/ More than the swaying flowers, the cute you are No.1. /

ハラハラさせてね 私だけのムービースター

/ Harahara sasete ne watashi dake no muubiisutaa /
/ I am so thrilled. My only movie star. /


/ Odekakesuru toki wa koe wo kakete /
/ When you go out, let me know. /

チャンスは逃さない 今こそヒロイン!

/ Chansu wa nogasanai ima koso hiroin! /
/ I won't miss a chance. Now a heroin too! /

空を駆ける翼 フォーカス

/ Sora wo kakeru tsubasa fookasu /
/ The wings which soar across the sky -- Focus! /

虹を映す瞳 ズームイン

/ Niji wo utsusu hitomi zuumu in /
/ The eyes which reflect the rainbow -- Zoom in! /

風をおこす魔法 フォーカス

/ Kaze wo okosu mahou fookasu /
/ Magic that awakens the wind -- Focus! /

派手なポーズ決めて ズームイン

/ Hade na poozu kimete zuumu in /
/ A flashy pose is set -- Zoom in! /


/ Kirameku hoshi yori mabushii anata No.1 /
/ More than the glittering stars, the dazzling you are No.1. /

ワクワクさせてね 私だけのムービースター

/ Wakuwaku sasete ne watashi dake no muubiisutaa /
/ I am so excited. My only movie star. /


/ Yurameku hana yori kawaii anata No.1 /
/ More than the swaying flowers, the cute you are No.1. /

ハラハラさせてね 私だけのムービースター

/ Harahara sasete ne watashi dake no muubiisutaa /
/ I am so thrilled. My only movie star. /
 楼主| 发表于 2004-1-5 16:09:23 | 显示全部楼层
Card Captor Sakura Character Songbook (Track 1)

ずっとずっとずっと / Zutto zutto zutto / Always, Always, Always
Sung by: 木之本 桜 (丹下桜) / Sakura Kinomoto (Sakura Tange) & ケルベロス (久川 綾) / Kerberus (Aya Hisakawa)

ずっとずっとずっと いっしょにいたいから
/ Zutto zutto zutto issho ni itai kara /
/ We want to be always, always, always together. /

ねえ けんかしても仲直りしよう

/ Nee kenka shite mo nakanaori shiyou /
/ so, hey, even though we fight, we make up again. /

あなたとなら 絶対うまくいくよ

/ Anata to nara zettai umaku iku yo /
/ If I'm with you, we'll sure do well. /

そう もっともっともっと 元気になれるはず

/ Sou motto motto motto genki ni nareru hazu /
/ That's right. We should become more and more and more energetic. /

はじめて会った時 オレンジ色した

/ Hajimete atta toki orenji iro shita /
/ The first time we met, I was taken back... /

ぬいぐるみがいて びっくりした

/ Nuigurumi ga ite bikkuri shita /
/ ...as an orange-color stuffed doll was there. /

はじめて会うた時 おっきな目した

/ Hajimete otta toki okki na me shita /
/ The first time we met, I was taken back... /

女の子がいて びっくりした

/ Onna no ko ga ite bikkuri shita /
/ ...as a gal with big eyes was there. /

さいしょはね おどろいて あわてたけど

/ Saisho wa ne odoroite awateta kedo /
/ At the beginning, it surprised me and I panicked. /

いまではな すっかりな ええコンビや

/ Ima dewa na sukkari na ee konbi ya /
/ 'Til now, we're a real good combination. /

そっとそっとそっと 部屋から抜け出して

/ Sotto sotto sotto heya kara nukedashite /
/ Quietly, quietly, quietly, we slip out of the room. /

ほら 夜の空に飛び出していこう

/ Hora yoru no sora ni tobidashiteikou /
/ Look, let's fly out into the night sky. /

不思議なこと かくれて待っている

/ Fushigi na koto kakurete matteiru /
/ There're mysterious things hidden and waiting for us. /

でも きっときっときっと 二人ならへいきね

/ Demo kitto kitto kitto futari nara heiki ne /
/ But surely, surely, surely, we'll be fine if it's the two of us. /

大変なことも いっぱいあるけど

/ Taihen na koto mo ippai aru kedo /
/ Even though we have lots of big troubles, /

いっしょにがんばりゃ なんとかなる

/ Issho ni ganbarya nantoka naru /
/ it'll work out somehow if we work hard at 'em. /

いい時は 幸せが二倍になって

/ Ii toki wa shiawase ga nibai ni natte /
/ In good times, our happiness becomes double. /

わるいときゃ やな気分はんぶんこや

/ Warui tokya yana kibun hanbun koya /
/ At bad times, our unpleasant feelin's come in half. /

ずっとずっとずっと いっしょにいたいから

/ Zutto zutto zutto issho ni itai kara /
/ We want to be always, always, always together. /

ねえ けんかしても仲直りしよう

/ Nee kenka shite mo nakanaori shiyou /
/ so, hey, even though we fight, we make up again. /

あなたとなら 絶対うまくいくよ

/ Anata to nara zettai umaku iku yo /
/ If I'm with you, we'll sure do well. /

そう もっともっともっと 笑顔になれるはず

/ Sou motto motto motto egao ni nareru hazu /
/ That's right. We should have more and more and more smiling face. /

そっとそっとそっと 部屋から抜け出して

/ Sotto sotto sotto heya kara nukedashite /
/ Quietly, quietly, quietly, we slip out of the room. /

ほら 夜の空に飛び出していこう

/ Hora yoru no sora ni tobidashiteikou /
/ Look, let's fly out into the night sky. /

不思議なこと かくれて待っている

/ Fushigi na koto kakurete matteiru /
/ There're mysterious things hidden and waiting for us. /

でも きっときっときっと 二人ならへいきね

/ Demo kitto kitto kitto futari nara heiki ne /
/ But surely, surely, surely, we'll be fine if it's the two of us. /


/ Zutto /
/ Always. /
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